Flexible and Ductboard Systems
Flexible and Ductboard Systems
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Question 1 |
An advantage of using fiberglass duct instead of sheet metal is _____.
A | fiberglass lowers the air leakage rate |
B | fiberglass can be used with no insulation of any kind |
C | fiberglass is heavier than sheet metal |
D | all fiberglass duct is flexible |
Question 2 |
An entire panel of a duct module be should be replaced if the _____.
A | panel is cracked or creased |
B | panel has a 1-inch-wide tear in the insulation |
C | damaged area extends to within 8 inches of the edge of the panel |
D | panel has a 1/2-inch-wide tear in the facing |
Question 3 |
The wire coil on the inside of a flexible duct is used _____.
A | as a means of connecting the duct to support hardware |
B | to keep the insulation out of the air stream |
C | to provide stiffness and keep the duct from collapsing |
D | to conduct a small electrical current for airflow monitoring |
Question 4 |
When minor facing damage to ductwork is repaired using layers of closure material, the second
layer must cover the first layer with a minimum overlap of _____ inch(es).
A | 1 |
B | 1-1/2 |
C | 1/2 |
D | 2 |
Question 5 |
The EI rating of a duct defines its _____.
A | dimensions |
B | insulation value |
C | strength and stiffness |
D | static pressure rating |
Question 6 |
What is considered major damage to ductwork?
A | When the insulation is damaged |
B | If the tear is greater than the width of the closure material |
C | When the tear is just a straight slit |
D | If the facing damage is wider than 1/2 inch |
Question 7 |
Fiberglass duct may be used in systems that operate with a maximum air temperature of _____.
A | 150°F |
B | 250°F |
C | 100°F |
D | 200°F |
Question 8 |
When hanging fiberglass duct, offset supports are necessary when the angled portion of the offset is
longer than _____ inches.
A | 48 |
B | 36 |
C | 60 |
D | 24 |
Question 9 |
A fiberglass duct system fabricated to the Leak Class 6 standard has an expected leakage rate of no
more than _____ cubic feet per minute (cfm) for every _____ square feet of fiberglass duct that is
put under 1 inch water gauge pressure.
A | 6; 100 |
B | 10; 10 |
C | 5; 10 |
D | 10; 100 |
Question 10 |
Which of the following is not considered an acceptable application for flexible round duct?
A | Runouts from low-pressure ducts |
B | Mixing boxes |
C | Return air systems |
D | Diffusers |
Question 11 |
The extended plenum system is commonly used in _____ installations.
A | residential attic |
B | residential basement |
C | commercial VAV |
D | commercial rooftop |
Question 12 |
Hangers and saddles for flexible duct support must be at least _____ inch(es) wide.
A | 2 |
B | 1-1/2 |
C | 2-1/2 |
D | 1 |
Question 13 |
When heat-activated tape is applied to duct seams, all joints and seams should be allowed to cool
to _____ before applying stress to them.
A | 125°F |
B | 100°F |
C | 150°F |
D | 175°F |
Question 14 |
When hanging flexible duct, supports should be placed at least every _____.
A | 1-1/2 feet |
B | 6 inches |
C | 4 feet |
D | 2 feet |
Question 15 |
Closure systems for rigid fiberglass ductboard must comply with _____.
B | BOCA |
C | UL 181A |
D | UL 181B |
Question 16 |
Hanger extensions are determined by _____.
A | adding the distance between the hanging wires and duct walls |
B | adding the distance between the wires and duct walls and multiplying it by the R-value |
C | subtracting the distance between the hanging wires and duct walls |
D | doubling the cross-section perimeter of the duct modules |
Question 17 |
When connecting ductboard to sheet metal, the mechanical connections must be placed at a
maximum of _____ inches on center.
A | 4 |
B | 8 |
C | 6 |
D | 12 |
Question 18 |
When joining rigid fiberboard duct modules, the end flaps are secured with _____.
A | 1/2-inch stainless steel staples approximately 2-1/2 inches on center |
B | 1-inch outward clinching staples approximately 2 inches on center |
C | 1-inch staples approximately 2-1/4 inches on center |
D | 1/2-inch outward clinching staples approximately 2 inches on center |
Question 19 |
To connect fiberglass ductboard to sheet metal, you would use _____.
A | heat-activated tape |
B | pressure-sensitive tape |
C | staples |
D | mastic and glass fabric tape |
Question 20 |
When using the insulated collar method to connect flexible round duct to sheet metal, the outside
diameter of the ductboard ring should correspond to the insulation's _______.
A | EI rating |
B | tensile strength |
C | R-value |
D | modulus of elasticity |
Question 21 |
When installing a flexible duct, it is important to always
A | support the duct every 10' |
B | fully extend the duct section to prevent the reduction of airflow
C | use a supporting saddle material greater than 3" |
D | decrease the duct sag down to 2" per foot of section |
Question 22 |
The radius of a flexible duct must not be less than
A | half of the diameter of duct being used
B | one diameter of the duct being used |
C | two diameters of the duct being used |
D | three diameters of the duct being used |
Question 23 |
Sheet-metal collars that are connected to a flexible duct must be a minimum of
A | 1-1/2" in length
B | 3" in length |
C | 1" in length |
D | 2" in length |
Question 24 |
Sheet-metal sleeves used for joining two sections of flexible duct must be a minimum of
A | 3" in length |
B | 6" in length |
C | 2" in length |
D | 4" in length |
Question 25 |
A horizontal flexible duct mjust be supported
A | every 8' |
B | every 2' |
C | every 4' |
D | every 6' |
Question 26 |
A vertical flexible duct must be supported
A | every 8' |
B | every 2' |
C | every 4' |
D | every 6' |
Question 27 |
What is the minimum width of saddle material used to support a flexible duct?
A | 1" |
B | 1-1/2" |
C | 2" |
D | 3" |
Question 28 |
What is the maximum sag that is allowed for flexible duct between supports?
A | 1/2" per ft |
B | 1" per ft |
C | 1-1/2" per ft |
D | 2" per ft |
Question 29 |
Code limits the length of a flexible air connector to
A | 9 feet |
B | 14 feet |
C | 21 feet |
D | 25 feet |
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