Electrical Meters
Electrical Meters
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Question 1 |
The most accurate reading on a analog meter is?
A | From the middle to the lower one third of the scale |
B | In the middle of the scale |
C | Below the middle of the scale |
D | From the middle to the upper two thirds of the scale |
Question 2 |
When using a digital meter that has the capability of displaying the proper scale to be used this is called?
A | Autoramping |
B | Autoranging |
C | Prescaling |
D | Autoscaling |
Question 3 |
The meter used to measure electrical pressure in a circuit is the?
A | Ammeter |
B | Voltmeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 4 |
The meter used to measure the electrical current in a circuit is the?
A | Ammeter |
B | Voltmeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 5 |
The meter used to measure the electrical resistance in a circuit is the?
A | Ammeter |
B | Voltmeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 6 |
The meter used to measure electrical power in a circuit is the?
A | Ammeter |
B | Voltmeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 7 |
When measuring voltage to a load the voltmeter must
A | Always be placed in series with the load |
B | Always be placed in parallel with the load |
C | Be in line with the switch controlling the load |
D | Be used with the load disconnected |
Question 8 |
When testing for voltage across the switch in a 120 volt system, what reading would be obtained if the switch was in the open position?
A | 0 volts |
B | 60 volts |
C | 120 volts |
D | 240 volts |
Question 9 |
When testing voltage across the switch in a 120 volt system, what reading would be obtained if the switch was in the closed position?
A | 0 volts |
B | 60 volts |
C | 120 volts |
D | 240 volts |
Question 10 |
A millivolt meter is made to measure
A | 1,000 volts |
B | 1 volt |
C | 1/1,000th of a volt |
D | 1/100,000 of a volt
Question 11 |
A voltmeter should
A | Always be set to the lowest setting when measuring an unknown voltage |
B | Always be set to the highest setting when measuring an unknown voltage |
C | Be set to midscale when measuring an unknown voltage |
D | Always be used with the power supply isolated from the circuit |
Question 12 |
VOM stands for?
A | Volt, ohm, meter |
B | Volt, ohm, megaohmeter |
C | Volt, ohm, milliammeter |
D | Volt, ohm, microammeter |
Question 13 |
An ammeter must
A | Always be placed in series with a load |
B | Always be placed in parallel with a load |
C | Be in parallel with the switch controlling the load |
D | Be used with the load disconnected |
Question 14 |
When using a clamp on ammeter, a wire is coiled 10 times and the clamp on ammeter is placed around the coil of wire. What effect if any will this have on the amp reading?
A | The amperage reading will not be affected |
B | The amperage will be multiplied by 10 |
C | The amperage will be divided by 10 |
D | The amperage will change depending on where the coil of wire is placed |
Question 15 |
Which meter is more accurate?
A | The clamp on digital ammeter |
B | The clamp on analog ammeter |
C | The accuracy of the analog and digital are the same |
D | The in line analog ammeter |
Question 16 |
What is the purpose of the hold button located on a clamp on ammeter?
A | It automatically adjusts the meter scale |
B | It retains the amperage reading |
C | It keeps the meter on the amperage scale |
D | It allows the meter to be suspended from the circuit being tested |
Question 17 |
When using an ammeter
A | The circuit must always be disconnected |
B | . The circuit must always be energized |
C | The circuit must always be isolated |
D | The component must always be isolated |
Question 18 |
An ammeter should
A | Always be set on the lowest setting when working with an unknown amperage |
B | Always be set on the highest setting when working with an unknown amperage |
C | Never be used when working with an unknown amperage |
D | Always be used after testing the voltage |
Question 19 |
A clamp on ammeter must always measure the amperage by
A | Clamping on one wire |
B | Clamping around two wires |
C | Clamping around one wire and a ground |
D | Clamping around the ground |
Question 20 |
When measuring the resistance of a load, the ohmmeter must always
A | Be placed in series with the load |
B | Be placed in parallel with the load |
C | Be used with the load disconnected |
D | Both B and C |
Question 21 |
When measuring the resistance across a switch, what reading would be obtained if the switch is closed?
A | 0 ohms |
B | Measurable resistance |
C | Infinite resistance |
D | 1 megaohm |
Question 22 |
When measuring the resistance across a switch, what reading would be obtained if the switch were open?
A | 0 ohms |
B | Measurable resistance |
C | Infinite resistance |
D | 1 megaohms |
Question 23 |
Which meter has its own built in power supply?
A | Voltmeter |
B | Ammeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 24 |
What meter must always be used with the power supply disconnected from the load?
A | Voltmeter |
B | Ammeter |
C | Ohmmeter |
D | Wattmeter |
Question 25 |
A wattmeter is used to measure?
A | The input power rating of a load |
B | The output power rating of a load |
C | The power factor input rating |
D | The power factor output rating |
Question 26 |
If a motor has a power factor rating of 85% and a voltage rating of 120 volts with an amperage of 10 amps, the power rating would be
A | 1.1 kilowatts |
B | 1,000 watts |
C | 1.2 kilowatts |
D | 1,020 watts |
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