Air Distribution
Air Distribution
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Question 1 |
The lowest pressure level within an air distribution system is found at the _____.
A | conditioned space |
B | input to the return duct |
C | input to the blower |
D | output of the blower |
Question 2 |
The velocity pressure in an air duct equals the _____.
A | total pressure minus the static pressure |
B | total pressure plus the static pressure |
C | static pressure plus the atmospheric pressure |
D | static pressure minus the total pressure |
Question 3 |
At sea level, every inch of the Earth has an absolute pressure of _____.
A | 14.7 psi |
B | 0 psig |
C | 27.68 in. w.c. |
D | 1.47 psia |
Question 4 |
Air systems used only for heating usually require _____ systems used for both heating and cooling.
A | more airflow than |
B | less airflow than |
C | the same airflow as |
D | twice the airflow as |
Question 5 |
Forced-air systems designed for cooling require about _____ of airflow per ton of cooling.
A | 200 cfm ±50 |
B | 320 cfm ±50 |
C | 400 cfm ±50 |
D | 475 cfm ±50 |
Question 6 |
Air distribution duct systems considered to be high-pressure systems have pressures greater than _____.
A | 0.25 in. w.c. |
B | 0.75 in. w.c. |
C | 2.5 in. w.c. |
D | 3.5 in. w.c. |
Question 7 |
When a change in the volume of airflow in cfm is known, Fan Law 1 can be used to calculate the _____.
A | new value for rpm |
B | new value for static pressure |
C | new value for horsepower |
D | old value for cfm |
Question 8 |
The total pressure loss in an air duct distribution system and its components (excluding the air handler) is called
the _____.
A | total ductwork pressure loss |
B | external static pressure loss |
C | ductwork velocity pressure loss |
D | internal static pressure loss |
Question 9 |
Air systems with high sidewall or ceiling air outlets normally are designed to _____.
A | favor heating over cooling |
B | favor cooling over heating |
C | favor heating only |
D | accommodate building/ room construction |
Question 10 |
Fiberglass duct _____.
A | can be used instead of metal duct in many applications |
B | has less friction losses than metal duct |
C | is noisier than metal duct |
D | requires less support than metal duct |
Question 11 |
All of the following are true with regard to fittings and transitions used in air duct systems, except that _____.
A | they have a pressure loss greater than a predetermined length of the same size straight duct |
B | they can be used to change the direction of airflow in the duct |
C | they have the same pressure loss per foot as the same size straight duct |
D | they can be used to change the velocity of airflow in an air duct system |
Question 12 |
A device used to control and balance airflow in forced air systems is a _____.
A | diffuser |
B | damper |
C | grille |
D | register |
Question 13 |
In order to minimize the spread of smoke within a building, select smoke dampers with a leakage rating of
A | Class 1 |
B | Class 2 |
C | Class 3 |
D | Class 4 |
Question 14 |
The insulated duct that has the lowest pressure loss is _____.
A | fiberglass duct |
B | metal duct with inside insulation |
C | metal duct with outside insulation |
D | flexible duct |
Question 15 |
An instrument that gives a direct reading of relative humidity is called a _____.
A | sling psychrometer |
B | manometer |
C | velometer |
D | hygrometer |
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